LEAPP: And so it begins...
Enthusiasm was high at the first of many LEAPP Postnatal Panel meetings
This week marked an exciting milestone for the LEAPP Team, with our first Pregnancy Panel and Postnatal Panel meetings kicking off a five year program of evidence review and evidence-based guidelines development. Together, we will be developing and sharing continually updated, evidence-based guidelines for people needing and providing pregnancy and postnatal care – wherever they live and work across rural, remote, metro and regional Australia.
Our new Panel members come together via zoom from across the country to introduce themselves and highlight their exceptional multidisclipinary experience, expertise and enthusiasm for the new living guidelines.
‘After an amazing response to our recent expression of interest process, it was particularly exciting to see our panels coming together to set the stage for an ambitious program of work, discussion, debate and guideline development’, said LEAPP Director Professor Tari Turner. ‘We are privileged to convene such a wonderful group and provide a forum for exploring the latest evidence and thinking on pregnancy and postnatal care. Our Consumer representatives will be joining these panels too, and our new Consumer Panel will be set up in the coming weeks. In this way, we really want to ensure clinicians and consumers can work together to co-produce our living guidelines.’
The LEAPP guidelines will include recommendations for care during pregnancy and in the first six weeks after birth, covering topics like:
standard tests during pregnancy
healthy lifestyles during pregnancy
breastfeeding education and support
mental health and wellbeing before and after birth (screening and referral)
recovering from birth and birth trauma
preventing miscarriage and stillbirth
care after miscarriage or stillbirth
The guidelines will be updated from late October 2023 onwards.